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Planning Milton Keynes
Transformation Series Part 1: What will an Order Management World look like?
What is Time? Stephen Wolfram’s Groundbreaking New Theory
Explore Cavendish House at Clarendon, North London
Strand Group 60: London at a crossroads
Building Intelligent Data Apps in Rel using Reasoning and Probabilistic Modelling
The Future Functionality and Potential of London’s Centres - CRP LiveShare 17.12.20
London Rising: How do we get Londoners back into arts venues? Hear from our Recovery Board
Thinking in New Boxes... | Luc de Brabandere & Alan Iny | Talks at Google
PART 2 | Reactivating Dance in London: A Cultural Sector Roundtable Discussion
Impact in Conversation: Professor Scott Cohen | University of Surrey
Office Design and Refurbishment - Surrey